Focus, determination, and perseverance are essential to just about every aspect of your life. Each characteristic is unique and together creates a powerful synergy.
Focus is one’s ability to concentrate exclusively on a particular thing through effort or attention.
Determination is an unchanging intention to achieve a goal or desired end.
Perseverance takes determination a step beyond by using steady and ongoing actions over a long period of time to ensure its intention is accomplished. It continues on through ups and downs.
These elements, combined with positive thinking and projection, can be an unstoppable force.
I’m a huge fan of positive thinking and projection. Our mind significantly influences our well-being and the direction our life can take. Granted, it’s not always easy to harness that influence, but there is enough content out there, including The Secret, to at least strive to think positive and project.
For example, Jack Canfield and co-creator Mark Victor Hansen of Chicken Soup for the Soul were rejected 144 times by publishers. Finally, in 1993, their book was accepted. Since they were in debt and couldn’t afford a publicist, they did their own promotion. In 1995, they won the Abby Award and the Southern California Publicist Award.
In a teleconference I attended with Jack Canfield as the speaker, he said he and his co-author created vision boards of what they wanted. They even took a copy of the New York Times Best Selling Page, whited out the #1 spot, and replaced it with Chicken Soup for the Soul. They put copies of it everywhere, even in the toilet. They had focus, determination, and perseverance and they envisioned and projected success. The rest is history.
On a much smaller scale, my daughter practices positive thinking and projection. For ten years, she dreamed of being in the audience of the Oprah show. She actually got tickets twice, but for one reason or another, she was unable to attend. It didn’t stop her, though; she persevered and kept trying. She knew one day she’d accomplish her goal, and she did. She attended O’s 10 Anniversary celebration in New York City.
She even got her picture taken. You can check it out at (she’s on the right):
So, what does this have to do with you as a writer? Plenty.
The elements for obtaining your goals are the same for business, marketing, life, or writing. Almost every writer has heard the adage: it’s not necessarily the best writers who succeed; it’s the writers who persevere.
Be focused and determined on your writing goals. Have a ‘success’ mindset. This means you need to project success and take all the necessary steps to become a skilled and successful writer. And, don’t let rejection stop you – persevere.
To reinforce the need for perseverance, here’s a great article from LitHub that lists a number of other famous authors who had their share of rejection: The Most Rejected Books of All Time
4 Realities New Writers Need to Face
Writing for Children – Character Believability and Conflict
What Makes a Good Story? Plot Driven vs. Character Driven

I’m a working children’s ghostwriter, rewriter, editor, and coach. I can help turn your story into a book you’ll be proud to be the author of, one that’s publishable and marketable.
A DIY book to help you write your own children’s book.
Four to twelve-week coaching programs.
Self-publishing help for children’s authors.
You can contact me at: Or give me a call at 347—834—6700. (Please leave a message- I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.)

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